Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The wreck that didn't happen

 "Let the beloved of the LORD rest secure in him,
       for he shields him all day long,
       and the one the LORD loves rests between his shoulders." Deut. 33:12
I had turned from Sycamore View to Summer Avenue today. There was a lot of traffic and drivers were crazy; a big shock for Memphis, I know, but still, more crazy than normal! On Summer Avenue there are no turn lanes, (which is a terrible road to not have turn lanes) which means the whole road is stop and go, both lanes, waiting for people to turn. I was driving past the Sonic and the shopping center, right before you get to Shelby Oaks Elementary when a school bus decided to turn right in front of me and a white Lexus to my right. I noticed the school bus and my first thought was, "Oh my goodness! That bus driver is crazy! I cannot believe he just turned!" I was already driving slow, but I put on the breaks and came to a complete stop. The Lexus beside must have missed this or was just distracted otherwise, because it did not stop or even slow down. I was immediately overcome with fear at the wreck that I and several other cars were about to witness. I was panicking. This Lexus was going 40 miles an hour and was about to run right into the middle and side of a school bus! What was I supposed to do? I wanted to close my eyes. I wanted to scream. I did NOT want to see this. It was going to be bad and I knew I would not be able to handle watching something like that.

In all of my panic, I didn't notice that traffic going to opposite way had stopped too. For some reason, the car that was in the lane (opposite of my direction) beside the school bus had stopped too. Were they trying to turn into Sonic? Did they need to get over? I don't know, but for some reason they had stopped. The Lexus, quick thinking, swerved right in front of me. "Okay, the end of the bus is better than the middle, at-least there's no kids back there." The Lexus kept swerving though, into traffic going to opposite direction. This could have been even worse than hitting the school bus, but our merciful God was ever present. The truck that had stopped for some unknown reason, was not stopped for an unknown reason. The truck being stopped allowed the Lexus to swerve safely into the other lanes, avoiding the school bus, avoiding being hit.

God is good. He is merciful. He makes up for everything that we lack. He watches over us. He protects us. I just witnessed his saving grace. He spared, not only the life of the person driving the Lexus, but the people who would have witnessed this terrible wreck. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Sweet Jesus.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Spring Air and a Prayer

Blue skies a mile high and the sweet boy I love.
Mom and sister and coffee on ice-
All the things that make a Tuesday nice.

Courtyard basketball and pancakes for dinner;
There's homework to be done, but it sure is a nice night for a run!
The crisp night air kisses my skin,
And I am thankful that spring has sprung again.

As another long day has come to its end,
I lay in bed and thank God once and again.
He blesses us each day and his miracles are clear.
His love for us is evident and his mark is everywhere.

Off to sleep I drift and tomorrow I'll rise
With joy in my heart and a gleam in my eyes.

Bright sun shining and my dear nephews close;
Brother sings loud and misses the notes.
The smell of muffins and Dad's good advice-
All the things that make a Wednesday nice.