Thursday, May 20, 2010

Pray like you mean it.

Let us therefore come boldy into the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in the time of need. Hebrews 4:16 

Prayer. As Christians, prayer is our strongest, most useful tool. It works at just the right times, and it is always readily available. Prayer is our direct connection with God, our way to communicate with him, and through regular time in prayer and in scripture, God reveals himself to us and we grow closer to him. It is incredible, and there is no greater feeling than realizing a prayer has (or has not!) been answered. But anyway!

I say all of that, to ask this. I, along with 100 other young adults, am about the embark on 2 months of Student Life Camp. I am not going to explain camp to you what goes on there because I can't. I am afraid my words might not do justice to the experiences had at Student Life. BUT I will say this- it is a hard 2 months. I won't call it a sacrifice because I consider myself lucky to be a part of camp, but it is physically, emotionally, and mentally draining. So I am asking for your prayers. I am asking that you will make a space for the Student Life Staff members in your regular prayer time. This is what I am asking you to prayer for:

That first, God would give us an attitude of service and a spirit of humility. That, as a staff, everything we do or say would be glorifying to Him, and every message and devotion we share with the campers would be from God Himself. Pray that we would simply be God's instruments and that He will use us wherever we are needed; that we will deliver His message clearly and the way He would have us deliver it. Also, please pray for travel mercies, as all four of our staff teams travel long distances and several times over the summer.

Second, pray that the hearts and minds of the 3rd through 12 grade kids who come to camp will be open the God. That, when they come to camp, they will leave behind problems and worries from home and let God break them and fill them up. That their hearts would be forever changed and they would go home with new hearts and attitudes.

Third, that when they do go home, it won't be us they are telling their friends and families about. Pray that it will be God they run home and talk about. Pray that we won't be rememberd, but what God did the week they were at camp and the way God was revealed will be what they remember.

Pray that the message of the Gospel will spread like wild fire in the hearts of our youth and that God would use us and these camps to help show these campers His truth. Pray that God would shake our youth and ultimately our country, and have a lasting impression on their hearts and their lives. 

Thank you brothers and sisters. Also know that you are being prayed for as well.

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