Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Just a quick note on heavy burdens.

Here's where I'm at right now:

I have a 7 page study guide in front of me for the hardest exam/ class I have to take.
On the same day of the hardest exam, I also have my second hardest exam.
I am currently working 2 jobs.
I have the WORST allergies EVER.
I am physically and mentally exhausted.
I could go on, but for your sake, I won't.

SO this is the moral of the story:

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. " Matthew 11:28. 

Sometimes, there is so much thrown our way, it literally makes us tired to think about it all.
Sometimes, we don't understand what God is trying to teach us, or why he is letting us face so many trials.

It doesn't matter.

God doesn't need our permission or our understanding to teach us. He doesn't need our approval to give us something we need to face. He will give us what we need when His timing says we need it. That's it. His timing is perfect. So is His plan. So basically, whatever he is letting us face, no matter how big or small, is a perfect teaching tool. It might not always be enjoyable, in fact it might be painful, but it will grow us, teach us, mold us, and it is to make us who HE wants us to be. So when your burden is heavy, remember His is light, and it's His we should be carrying anyway. Remember that.

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